Repeat clients are always the best feeling. You know they loved their previous photos, you know they are comfortable with you and like your posing style, your personality and you know you are comfortable with them. There is good chemistry.

It’s an added bonus when they live in a beautiful state like South Dakota and choose a national park as their location. If you don’t know this about me already, I am a state park and national park nerd.

First time I photographed them, it was just Rona and Jose, the scenery was beautiful, and the weather cooperated for the most part, except when it rained and hailed :) but it did not stop them and of course it didn’t stop me either.

This time around, Jose and Rona had their two beautiful kiddos in tow and one on the way. So as much as I still expected some adventure, I figured probably not as much. But I stood corrected, Rona at 6 months pregnant was still hiking down the mountain barefoot and when it started to rain, she just laughed it off at the irony of it raining again for this photoshoot.

She was so busy laughing she didn't even notice the rainbow until she finally turned around for these photos below:

Her only worry, because she is so kind, was my camera. Thankfully my camera was fine, the kiddos were happily napping in the car while my husband stood watch and the rain created the most beautiful rainbow. (Yes Doug is my free client baby-sitter when available, but if he isn’t available, it is always helpful to bring a family friend or a family member to help out when your family photos include multiple young children.)
The kiddos woke up from their naps a little grumpy, to be expected for toddlers, and sometimes adults too :) but they were champions and with a little bribing, we started the family photos. The family had the cutest matching outfits and the light rain only lasted 5 minutes.
It was so much fun capturing all the love they have for each other and all the fun they have in the outdoors as a family and I cannot wait to meet baby number 3 in 2023.

Thanks again for trusting me with your beautiful sweet family Rona and Jose, it is always a pleasure visiting you guys and exploring South Dakota together, rain and all :)

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